A good quality pan is the foundation of any kitchen. Premium materials and timeless design.
Order extra durable cookware for healthy cooking.
Shop NowWe choose only really high quality and trusted brands for you. For selected types of pans and pots, the manufacturer provides a guarantee of up to 10 years for the evenness of the bottom. The cookware is PFOA-free.
Loyalty discounts after registration. We have cookware in stock. We ship within 24 hours.
We sell cookware for better and healthy cooking with Made in Germany quality.
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“Hello. I would just like to thank NK Holding for the wonderful negotiation and punctual delivery of the goods. I have already ordered dishes and other things from you a couple of times. And I have always been completely satisfied. Quick and helpful dealings are hard to come by nowadays. More companies like you. Thank you.”
Tomas Sladky - CZ
Review on Google
“The first time I used it, the lid, left on the kitchen counter, broke into a thousand pieces. Obviously a defect in the material. Although the manufacturer did not accept the claim, the dealer NK Holding supplied a new lid free of charge. 👍”
Radek Ošlejšek - CZ
Review on Google
“I have never ordered anything from across the border (Hungary) before, I was a bit nervous about paying in advance, but everything was fine! Thank you very much”
György - HU
Heureka verified customer
“Professional conduct, speed of execution. Very fair negotiation, pleasant communication, smooth and quick exchange for a smaller size.”
Jitka - CZ
Heureka verified customer